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Many business owners have a fear when it comes to dealing with financials, but it’s important that all business owners know their numbers and understand the core accounting concepts. Getting over that fear begins with education on the topic and also utilizing accounting technology to make life easier.
In this episode, Ramin Ramhormozi and Matthew May discuss the importance of knowing your financials, accounting tips, and the future of cryptocurrency. They also discuss the role of technology in accounting, paying internationally, and the benefits of having an accountability partner.
Topics Include:
The importance of knowing your numbers
The role of technology in accounting
Building an understanding of core concepts
Separating business vs. personal expenses
Sales tax solutions
Quickbooks Online
Paying internationally
Accountability partners
And other topics...
Matthew May is the founder and VP of Marketing at Acuity. He refers to himself as an accounting translator for entrepreneurs because he helps business owners navigate tax and accounting rules. He enjoys volunteering in the Georgia technology community and serves on the board of the Atlanta Technology Angels. He is also a member of the Venture Atlanta Advisory Board.
Resources Mentioned:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thetechcpa/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheTechCPA
Acuity: https://acuity.co/, https://acuity.co/ecommerce-accounting/
Drink While You Think Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/drink-while-you-think/id1593236213
Acuity Blog on Automation Tools: https://acuity.co/best-automation-tools/
Quickbooks Online: https://quickbooks.intuit.com/
Xero: https://www.xero.com/us/
Veem: https://www.veem.com/
Entrepreneurs Organization: https://hub.eonetwork.org/
Don Francisco’s Hawaiian Hazelnut: https://www.amazon.com/Don-Franciscos-Hawaiian-Hazelnut-Flavored/dp/B06XPH2D8H/ref=nav_youraccount_switchacct?crid=635XLF4GUDF2&keywords=don+francisco+hawaiian+hazelnut+coffee&qid=1651836901&sprefix=don+fr%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-8
Catching Clouds: https://www.youtube.com/c/CatchingCloudsAcademy
Grubby Farms: https://grubblyfarms.com/
Shopify: https://www.skuagency.com/shopify
Klaviyo: https://www.klaviyo.com/partner/signup?utm_source=0010V0000264Z5d&utm_medium=part
Accessible: https://accessibe.com/a/xvrysgh
LimeSpot: https://www.limespot.com/partner/offer?kfl_ln=sku-agency
Gorgias: https://gorgias.grsm.io/i09wqq9rx426
Sezzle: https://szzl.io/kr9i7x
Route: route.com/skuagency
Ugurus: https://ugurus.com/
Gartner Chart: https://www.jirav.com/blog/data-analytics-maturity-models
Be sure to check out episode 13 Influencer Marketing & E-commerce with Brett Bernstein - CEO of Gatsby, Avid Rock Climber.
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